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"Look Good - Feel Good - Do Good"
Spring Soirée at Lather SalonApril 16 2022
Owner Shawni Fronk words on Instagram: Words cannot describe the love I have for these women. Their willingness to take up their Saturday to serve, to do blowouts, to help organize things, to be professional hype girls, to help clean up, to help us raise money for an amazing cause… I could go on and on This team is unmatched. I count my lucky stars every single day for these amazing women. And to all of YOU that made this possible!
Thank you for showing up an hour early and waiting in line, for donating to @abuddyjustlikeme, for bringing your high vibes, for bustin out those dance moves, and for supporting your favorite Lather Ladies.
We are incredibly humbled and grateful to everyone who came to this event, supported & donated (in person & online)
So much good will be done, because of YOU!Lather Salon raised over $1050 for A Buddy Just Like Me & donations were matched by an anonymous donor.
© 2020